There is a legend in Egypt that claims that when the Blue Lotus flower returns to humanity, consciousness will rise again.


Join Jasmeen Hana & Tamar Raphael in this sacred container to discover your living embodied truth in alignment with the deepest parts of your being.


This process is intended to ignite you on the path towards liberation from your own proverbial mud and inspire you to reach towards the sky, undergoing your own metamorphosis into your highest potential as a soul on this earth. 

We will journey like the Blue Lotus flower through the elements of Earth, Water, Fire & Air, shape-shifting and retrieving lost parts of our selves along the way, emerging embodied & more grounded in our true nature, as Love itself.


▫️Discover why the Blue Lotus flower was revered and adored by the ancients.

▫️Journey deeply into your inner realms.

▫️Learn a healthy approach to your emotional world.

▫️Begin to heal disconnection from your body.

▫️Forgive your past.

▫️Create sacredness in your life.

▫️Uncover hidden patterns of fear & shame to be transformed.

▫️Open your heart & allow love to flow freely in your life.

▫️Learn how to expand into your own life force current

▫️Open your mind to the possibility of your deepest dreams

▫️Connect with your purpose as a soul here on Earth at this time.


You will receive access to 3 days worth of content delivered as if you were spending 3 days in a workshop setting. The daily time requirement to work through the material is around 4 hours.

You can also choose to do the course at your own pace, allowing time in between the days for integration. 


▫️6x shamanic Sound Journeys.

▫️A daily spiritual practice involving movement & breathwork.

▫️3x E-Manuals to support you with each stage of the journey.

▫️Embodiment practice.

▫️Daily journalling prompts.

▫️Daily transmissions.

▫️A fusion of ancient & modern transformational methods & teachings.

▫️Transmission on Sacred Sexuality.

▫️Introduction to Egyptian Alchemy.

▫️Our recommended Blue Lotus flower suppliers & discount with our code.

▫️Membership to our private Blue Lotus Facebook Community group for participants.

▫️Personal support from Jasmeen & Tamar in the group, if requested.



Jasmeen Hana

Jasmeen is a modern day holistic medicine woman working with Life Force Energy and Personal Empowerment. She supports holistic seekers to transform life force “creative/sexual energy” and inner/outer relationship related issues, to return to a place of empowered authenticity, innocence, self-worth, embodiment to speaking one’s truth. Jasmeen is faculty at the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) and also offers her unique African Yoga & Ancient Egyptian Shamanic Journeys in Egypt, as well as Blue Lotus Ceremony Retreats + Women’s Empowerment & Wellbeing Retreats. Jasmeen has been working with clients for over 9 years in the form of one-on-one sessions and also supporting groups and circles for over 7 years.

Website | Facebook | Instagram

Tamar RaphaelTamar is a Sacred Sexuality coach & tantric bodyworker devoted to supporting others to awaken a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world around us. For the last 6 years, she has travelled the world, living in spiritual co…

Tamar Raphael

Tamar is a Sacred Sexuality coach & tantric bodyworker devoted to supporting others to awaken a deeper connection with self, spirit & the world around us. For the last 6 years, she has travelled the world, living in spiritual community and training with world-class teachers in the fields of tantra, conscious sexuality & healing arts. She draws on these teachings as well as her own embodied experience to guide others into connection with their heart, innate power and radiance. Tamar has been holding & supporting healing ceremonies and processes for groups and individuals internationally for the past 3 years.

Website | Facebook | Instagram


(from previous participants of the Blue Lotus Journey & previous Lotus journeys held by Jasmeen)


I feel so much gratitude that the Blue Lotus has appeared in this beautiful way in my life.

I really want to thank Jasmeen and Tamar for offering this.


I truly felt the flame within me reignite.

I watched the recording of this journey last night, and just wanted to share what a wave of such deep feelings of pleasure and pain this took me through. I truly felt my heart crack open and a massive release of everything that didn’t serve me. I am so grateful for this journey that I was taken on.

Thank you so much Jasmeen.


I recommend this journey so much, from my heart, body and soul.

Feeling waves of gratitude for this journey into my rawness and realness! This is truly powerful medicine, Jasmeen’s voice was soothing and inviting me to go deeper. Thank you for this powerful transmission... I knew that it's the time to connect deeply with the memories, energy stored in sacred waters of my body and the body of the whole world. Such a profound, beautiful journey. My body started vibrating from the very beginning... Through this journey, wisdom of water, with your amazing guidance I reached completely new layers of understanding and embodying my desires, my fears.

- Kamillie

I felt the weight falling from my shoulders and my heart cracking open!

Thank you Jasmeen from the bottom of my heart! Still my tears are falling down... and I am starting to feel myself again after days of feeling numb...Tears are falling down and my body feels the water, the mud and everything and with this its borders and I felt also my borders, my no, what for me has so much to do to take responsibility for the longing of my soul, to bring myself and let the fear go.... Love you!

- Janna


First of all, thank you for creating this journey with the grace and beauty you have. The blue lotus really resonates with my soul. I started with "the mud" and wow it was profound because I'm really going through that process in a deep and heavy way this week. I felt that this is a safe container.

- Shae-Lee

This journey was amazing! Thank you so much!

I'm very touched by the experience. I was skeptical of the digital format but it didn't bother me at all, what a powerful journey! It stirred my waters like a whirlwind and I very much needed to move the stillness to get unstuck.


Your guidance gave me the courage to dive deep in my shadows of the unknown.

It was unbelievable the power and the divine energy in your transmission. The openness of your heart and sharing your deepest emotions. I let go of so many tears of grief and fear. I don't know how to thank you for this experience. It totally cracked my heart open and I connected fully with the power of the wisdom in my body. Bless you goddess, wow!


I had the most potent realisations about my life, why my childhood was the way it was and guiding me to my purpose!

This was soooo incredibly powerful for me when I did the journey during the live session. I can really recommend it.. I did some journaling afterwards, very powerful, can't thank you enough, Jasmeen!




To purchase the course & join the journey, you will be re-directed to Tamar’s site.

Join the Journey


With love & lotus magic,

Jasmeen & Tamar